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anthony "chuco" guillen

anthony "chuco" guillenmary crandall hales

. It would be against protocol to delegate that authority. He was brought to the Santa Clara County Jail in August 2007 to face a charge. His son Danny and Stephanie helped. Greg said he wanted some for himself. According to jail inmate John "Boxer" Mendoza, at the same time defendant arrived in jail, so did his codefendants Frank "Joker" Ruiz, a Nuestra Raza (NR) member, and Marco "Huero" Abundiz, a NF member. Clark kept returning to prison after being released. Since the 1920s, the 38th Street gang has continued its criminal activities and has evolved to become one of Californias most violent street gangs. According to Ruiz, another kite had arrived in August 2008 that put defendant and Ramirez on freeze, leaving Ruiz in charge of the jail. (a).) On appeal Vargas argued that the trial court deprived him "of his state and federal constitutional rights to a trial by jury and due process by failing to instruct the jury to determine the essential factual question whether one or multiple conspiracies existed." Yes, American Me is based on a true story.While the film deviates to create imaginary characters and events, the basics of the story remain tethered to reality. The appellate court acknowledged that these words by themselves "did not articulate a threat to commit a specific crime resulting in death or great bodily injury." Tirri was housed on 2nd East Max. There was evidence at that trial that "[t]he Nuestra Familia (NF) is a prison gang that was founded in September 1968 by inmates at the California State Prison San Quentin (San Quentin). September 1, 2010 / 9:38 AM / CBS San Francisco. She could not keep track of the gang codes when she was high on PCP so it seemed he was always yelling at her. The jury was also instructed about the elements of attempted criminal threat, a lesser offense of criminal threat, in terms of CALCRIM No. Defendant taught Debbie how to package methamphetamine and PCP for sale. Debbie acknowledged that the program had helped her with expenses for relocation, rent, meals, utilities, and emergency medical care. People v. Toledo (2001) 26 Cal.4th 221 identified three situations that would amount to an attempted, but not completed, criminal threat. ." Debbie testified that in many of their phone conversations defendant was either telling her to arrange to have Clayton Clark available for the next telephone call or to contact different people and tell them she was collecting money for defendant. ." According to Mendoza, at the time Guillen was pulling Paul into the NF, so they were communicating. Even if each gang member had uniformly testified that the gang controlled all his thoughts and actions and those of other NF members, the jury would not have been required to believe them. Valdez and Ramirez testified that Guillen was the author of a kite that Valdez took from Ramirez in March 2005 that pertained to the entire NF organization. Clark said "the black guy was just at my house." Debbie agreed to record phone calls with a digital recorder. The record citations do not support this contention. Apellido Apellido Primer Segundo Nmero de la. (Id. 1012.) Components of that aggregate include the following consecutive terms doubled due to defendant's prior strike. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. Communication is essential to maintain the NF's organization in and out of custody. It is up to the conspirators to establish the primary goal or goals of the conspiracy. (Id. (b)) on January 8, 2007. Defendant occasionally fronted him drugs, though Cervantes was not functioning as part of a regiment. . He worked under defendant when they were both in 4-B3. Jack Ochoa supplied defendant with "ice," methamphetamine. According to Tirri, if a gang member did not remove someone who had been deemed no good, the gang member could potentially be removed. He testified for the defense that defendant supplied him with PCP to sell, but he was not among the coconspirators named in count 3 of the indictment. Cervantes said he should have handed "it" directly to defendant instead of to Roman, because defendant said it was short. . He disputes the sufficiency of the evidence to support his convictions of conspiring to assault either Cervantes (count 6) or Leyvas (count 7). In May or June 2006, Greg approached Clark about working in defendant's regiment. A separate indictment charged defendant with being a felon in possession of a weapon (count 1; 12021, subd. at pp. ['] ", He continued, it was "not the law" that her fear upon cooperating with law enforcement related back to the letter. The next rung of leaders in Pelican Bay includes Daniel "Stork" Perez of Salinas; Anthony "Chuco" Guillen of San Jose, who was involved in the murder of a Ruiz testified for the defense that after he was incarcerated in 2007 in the Santa Clara County Jail, he learned that defendant was the overall jail authority. Ruiz testified that he pleaded guilty to conspiring to assault Leyvas with a deadly weapon because he wrote the kite and ordered it. Shortly after they met again he moved in with her. Defendant's ex-wife Debbie Guzman testified that she first met him at a juvenile ranch when she was about 14 years old. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. While there was no dispute that defendant was a NF member, there was evidence that defendant disobeyed the gang's directive to devote a portion of the proceeds of regiment drug sales to the gang. (c).). . Defendant said, "Yeah, like four." On appeal defendant contends that the trial court erred in allowing the jury to decide whether he was involved in five separate conspiracies as charged, or whether some or all of the charged conspiracies amounted to one overall conspiracy. The NF gang will assault an inmate on a yard who is a sexual registrant or has sex crimes to remove them from the yard. He did not deal directly with defendant because he heard defendant "was really hot.". .". The contributions from individual members were to be made from dealing drugs or getting " 'contributions' " from drug dealers. . According to Mendoza, this was a coded message saying that defendant was the regimental commander of the Santa Clara County Jail and that Paul Lopez ("PJ") and Rudy Miramontes ("Debbie" or "Dancing Bear"), a NF member, should work with him in that capacity. The victim in that case testified that "she did not initially take appellant's words as a threat because appellant was always joking around. ", We consider Vargas, supra, 91 Cal.App.4th 506 to have been a unique case factually where the prosecution's evidence of one overall conspiracy was apparently so compelling that no reasonable juror could have found the existence of more than one conspiracy. However, this court rejected Vargas's contention, stating, "Assuming that more conspiracy counts could have been charged under the facts, the decision to charge defendant with only one conspiracy count was a prosecutorial charging discretion that we do not review. According to Sergeant Lewis, a kite is a communication between inmates in microwriting. Mendoza observed that in the Northern gang hierarchy, the NF was the leadership with NR, the "soldiers," beneath them and unaffiliated Norteos beneath them. The court recognized Livingston as an expert in the area of Hispanic gangs, including NF. ", Defendant asserts, "the entire thrust of the prosecution's evidence in this case was that all of the drug sales shown, both inside and outside the jail, as well as the planned assaults on Cervantes and Leyvas, were conceived and controlled by the [NF] and its members and agents, and all had the common purpose of furthering the success of the [NF] by generating revenue and disciplining [NF] members, Nuestra Raza members and Nortenos so as to assure that the [NF] rules were followed." There is a standing order for the gang to assault a sex offender who is housed with a gang. The prosecutor also argued that, despite the joviality of the first call, defendant was concerned about the amount of information Debbie had about him. WebCervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. On appeal the Attorney General relies on this letter, written almost a year after defendant's incarceration, as Guillen's authorization of defendant as the regimental commander of the jail. Clayton "Shorte" Clark testified pursuant to a use immunity agreement and a plea agreement resolving charges against him in the current case and a murder case that is described at the end of this section. The only serious challenge to the first four counts that defense counsel made in closing argument was whether they involved multiple conspiracies or one overall conspiracy. One was a more inclusive excerpt of a conversation on August 18. Count 1 alleged that defendant, along with the 25 individuals named in count 2 and one other, had actively participated in NF and willfully promoted, further, and assisted in felonious criminal conduct by gang members. She had told him that he could believe what he wanted, but it wasn't true. Every time she returns to Santa Clara County she fears for her life. CONSPIRACY TO SMUGGLE DRUGS INTO JAIL (COUNT 4). One of the cases cited as favoring presenting the issue to a jury was this court's opinion in Jasso, supra, 142 Cal.App.4th 1213. At 1:36 p.m., Frank Gutierrez called his girlfriend Vanessa Carassco and asked her to call Cindy at a number he provided and give her the message that "he's got that for me" and he would have to give it to her. As the jury was instructed, case law has established that some conditional threats still qualify as "so" unconditional as to convey the serious intention of the utterer and a future prospect of execution to the listener. El liderazgo restante de la organizacin en Pelican Bay consiste en Daniel Stork Prez, Anthony Chuco Guilln y George Puppet Franco. (Pen. SAN JOSE (CBS SF) -- Two dozen alleged associates of the statewide criminal gang Nuestra Familia were indicted in San Jose on March 4 on 34 felony counts following raids by law enforcement last Oct. 30 in the South Bay and Modesto, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office. 460. WebCervantes' rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. And we know that the Defendant actually told Vince Tirri whey they were housed together in the Super Max that he told Vinni Tirri that the reason why he had Danny Cervantes removed and deemed him - well, not removed, but why he deemed him 'no good' was "because Danny Cervantes owed him a $400 drug debt . The remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and Defendant had never discussed Cervantes with him. She asked him not to leave her. [']" "I don't even think a conspiracy has been proved[] [i]f you give Frank Ruiz any credence whatsoever[. Sammy Ramirez testified pursuant to an immunity agreement and a plea agreement dated June 17, 2012 resolving charges arising from the criminal activities of his regiment, including conspiring to sell methamphetamine and PCP, active gang participation, assault involving a deadly weapon or force, and extortion. While defendant laughed, she continued, "Ass kicking, you can ask somebody." Lewis and Ramirez testified that Guillen had directed Ramirez to set up a regiment in Santa Clara County. Defendant asserts that in finding true the gang enhancements, the jury "believed all the charged offenses were committed for the benefit of the gang. He had another message from "Junior," a nickname for defendant. ", Parts of defense counsel's closing argument were more specific about the uncontested charges. Who is the leader of the sureos? COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SIXTH APPELLATE DISTRICT. He's been deemed no good. 1272. Defendant told Tirri all about Cervantes. We're not contesting that." " " 'There's also a registered sex offender in M-8. He once said a wife could not testify against her husband. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed, First published on March 20, 2015 / 11:00 PM. Defendant asserts there was a lack of proof that he intended his wife to take his letter as a threat. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. While all Norteo soldiers and Ruiz said that he was in charge of the jail though there were other active NF members in jail who were not on freeze. It is the highest category in the NF organization below the generals. After his release from prison, Ramirez contacted regiment leaders Abundiz and Campa and formed his own regiment in Santa Clara County as he had been instructed by Guillen. The three Generals of the gangs leadership council were identified as David DC Cervantes, Antonio Chuco Guillen, and James Conejo Perez. We assume that defendant is referring to the five conspiracies described in his summary of counts 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 of the indictment. (Id. I didn't discuss it with Lorenzo Guzman. In 2009, Tirri and defendant were housed together in administrative segregation. We cannot say as a matter of law that there was no evidence to support alternative findings about the number of conspiracies or their objectives. Conditional threats are true threats if their context reasonably conveys to the victim that they are intended. (People v. Mendoza (1997) 59 Cal.App.4th 1333, 1339 (Mendoza). [] When a single agreement to commit one or more crimes is evidenced by an overt act, the precise nature and extent of the conspiracy must be determined by reference to the agreement which embraces and defines its objectives. "The idea that Mr. Guzman participated in the distribution of drugs for the benefit of the [NF,] in terms of the exact time period, I'm not going to comment on that. What the Attorney General asserts does not resemble the prosecution's arguments to the jury. .' His nickname is Lencho. According to Vince Tirri, if a child molester was not functioning in the gang and posed no immediate threat, no assault was required. 620 [when more than one cause of death]. (Id. Ruiz did not discuss the kite with defendant before writing it. When he chuckled, she said "Yeah I do, literally, I mean that. The only crime without a gang enhancement was defendant's active participation in the NF criminal street gang between April 25, 2002, and April 23, 2009 (the date of his indictment (count 1; 186.22, subd. Lewis told Debbie that she had been indicted and might lose her son if she went to prison instead of cooperating with the police. Once you create your profile, you will be able to: Claim the judgments where you have appeared by linking them directly to your profile and maintain a record of your body of work. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. Defendant contends that Mendoza, Ramirez, and Clark all testified that the NF leadership controlled what crimes NF members on the streets could commit and what drugs they could sell. I mean, that's One, Two and Three, basically arebasically, I conceded those in my opening statement. The Northerners in Elmwood were required "to follow the directives to remove inmates once they were ordered, and once they were determined and told to remove this person, or that this person was deemed 'no good,' that it was incumbent upon them to remove them with a deadly weapon. Clark became second in command in defendant's regiment, which meant that Clark reported to him and took care of the drug sales. Clark said he was interested in hearing from Jack Ochoa and wanted him to call one of his "kids.". She told him that Rodriguez had called her drunk one day. The exercise of that discretion involves questions of prosecutorial policies and judgment, not questions of fact for the jury to determine." Because if my baby does me wrong, death going to part us. She transitioned out of the program in September 2010 and stopped receiving financial assistance. (Id. Latin mexican traditions norteno. Clark testified that when he was defendant's second in command, he did not collect dues from regiment members. Count 5 alleged that between August 1 and 20, 2007, defendant willfully threatened a crime that would have resulted in death and great bodily injury to his wife Debbie with the specific intent that the written statement was to be taken as a threat, even if there was no intent to actually carry it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it was made was so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to Debbie a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat and caused her reasonably to be in sustained fear for her own safety. The prosecutor did acknowledge, "during those phone calls that you've heard, it's clear that the Defendant, they have a roller coaster relationship, and they go up and down." Until defendant was incarcerated, he just provided Clark with methamphetamine, not PCP. 1300 that proving a violation of section 422 as charged in Count 5 involved establishing six elements: "[1] The defendant willfully threatened to unlawfully kill or unlawfully cause great bodily injury to Debbie Guzman; [2] [t]he Defendant made the threat in writing; [3] [t]he Defendant intended that his statement be understood as a threat and intended that it be communicated to Debbie Guzman; [4] [t]he threat was so clear, immediate, unconditional, and specific that it communicated to Debbie Guzman a serious intention and the immediate prospect that the threat would be carried out; [5] [t]he threat actually caused Debbie Guzman to be in sustained fear for her own safety, and; [6] Debbie Guzman's fear was reasonable under the circumstances." He was housed in Main Jail North 4-B1 and then 4-B3, a single cell, until February 27, 2009. What colors do Sureos wear? WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. / CBS San Francisco. In the other two were Frank Ruiz and Marco Abundiz. Clark said they were close to "finishing the house." On appeal defendant contends that the phrase "actually caused" in CALCRIM No. According to Mendoza, sex offenders are not automatic gang targets. Soon after that conversation, Lewis put Debbie and her son into a witness protection program. WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco. . at p. (Id. [] But I think clearly as to Counts Two and Three, which I conceded, that it was one conspiracy, and it's because the allegations and the overt acts are an allegation that the [NF] established a street regiment to go down there and do that. Ruiz conceded that it would violate gang rules to testify against a fellow gang member like defendant. The remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco. He has [a] motive . He holds important positions in 17 different companies. (People v. Williams (2015) 61 Cal.4th 1244, 1270 (Williams).) Before deciding this issue, we will review its procedural history. An immediate ability to carry out the threat is not required.". Defendant once told Debbie about a situation in the 1990s when one of the wives got killed for talking after several gang members got arrested for drug sales. He said gang leaders who are serving life sentences have been able to orchestrate crimes, including murders, throughout California from their cells at a secure housing unit at the Pelican Bay State Prison in Del Norte County by using cell phones that have been smuggled into the prison. As to Henry Leyvas, Ruiz testified that he put his name in the kite after hearing that Leyvas had tried to rape someone's sister. WebThe remaining leadership of the company in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. A NR member who was the second in command would not have the authority to deem someone no good. However, he testified that "it's all about money. Five, Six and Seven. En los aos 60 mientras el idealismo inici una dcada de activismo en contra de la violencia, la marginacin de los barrios de Los ngeles transform a los antiguos pachucos en una nueva clase de pandilla callejera. We conclude there is substantial evidence supporting defendant's conspiracy convictions of counts 6 and 7. Guillen is highest ranking among three gang generals, all housed at Pelican Bay, she said. The court properly submitted to the jury the question whether any of the five alleged conspiracies was merely part of a larger conspiracy. She attended some of his meetings with leaders of other local NF regiments, including Charlie "Brown" Campa, Sammy "Black" Ramirez, and Marco "Red" or "Huero" Abundiz. She told him, "if you fucking write that ho back your fucking dick will be up your ass." "My one and only, my sometimes difficult one and only, but, nevertheless, she's mine and I love her to death and I mean that literally. It will never end. at p. Tirri was arrested in October 2006. . Some kites allude to orders from the alleged top crime boss of the gang, Antonio "Chuco" Guillen, who commands the criminal enterprise from within a secure Defendant argued that the prosecution's evidence was inconsistent about whether prior approval or an investigation was required to assault a sex offender like Henry Leyvas. The jury was instructed in terms of CALCRIM No. ), After the jury convicted defendant as charged and made a special finding that the five charged conspiracies "were separate and distinct," in bifurcated proceedings defendant admitted allegations of three prior convictions, one for attempted murder and two for possession of controlled substances. Algunas WebRenewed organization Cervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. One agreement cannot b[e] taken to be several agreements and hence several conspiracies simply because it envisions committing more than one crime. John Mendoza testified that a "bad news list" is a list of everyone who has been deemed no good. The singer and actor opened up to Teen Vogue about how the blockbuster hit Sergeant Lewis and Debbie had differing recollections about why he decided to relocate her on February 18, 2008. Who started the Norteos? .". at p. Get 1 point on providing a valid sentiment to this A substantial factor is more than a trivial or remote factor. They were relocated from Pelican Bay State Prison to federal prison in Oakland. WebCervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. 553.) La Positiva 31.12.2022. Sergeant Lewis acknowledged that he had not encountered a regiment bank containing large amounts of money. Frank Ruiz was housed in 4-B3 from July 11, 2007 through July 22, 2009. Defendant asserted the incongruity of the prosecution alleging multiple conspiracies while also arguing that many hearsay statements by different individuals were admissible as statements of coconspirators in support of a single conspiracy. Clark did not collect monthly dues from regiment members. However, the commission of the specific crimes, and the drawing up of plans required to commit them, were all in pursuance of the overriding purpose of the NF, which was to establish power through the use of crime, force, and fear, and to use that power to further strengthen and perpetuate itself by killing its enemies, raising money for the gang, and instilling obedience and discipline among its members by killing members who break its rules. (Santa Clara County Super. . During intake they sign a form acknowledging that phone calls can be monitored. We have reviewed the testimony of Cervantes and Ruiz above (in part II.D) and need not summarize it in detail here. Ramirez testified that Guillen had directed Ramirez to set up a regiment in Santa Clara County she fears her! Had directed Ramirez to set up a regiment bank containing large amounts of.... A juvenile ranch when she anthony "chuco" guillen high on PCP so it seemed he was always yelling at her,. 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anthony "chuco" guillen